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Boost your sales
Experience fast on-boarding. Open a SlypBusiness account in an instant.
Distributed and cloud enabled
Start growing in half the time with an all-in-one seamless ERP solution.
The in-house database that powers our backend
Dip is fast and features a pluggable, on the fly, architecture for multiple key-value engines. Dip can query data using JMESPath or MongoDB like queries.
Smart solutions are at the core of everything we do
We power technology that will help build a better tomorrow for everyone, everywhere. Learn more about the technology that runs our solutions or get in touch to set up a meeting with one of our representatives.
We build apps with passion
Engaged in building high-performance native business apps that runs everywhere.
Write to us at
NDcurve Technologies Pvt Ltd
Trend India Business Center
HM Towers, 5th Floor
Brigade Road, Banglore - 560001